Sunday, June 22, 2008

N. T. Wright on the Colbert Report

Now here's a combination I don't think I would ever have expected: N. T. Wright on the Colbert Report. He's discussing his relatively new book Surprised by Hope, especially his explanation of of a "two state post-mortem existence" beginning with heaven but culminating in the full arrival of God's new creation.

I read this book a few months ago and found it pretty helpful in a number of ways, but the thing I found most surprising about this interview was how informed Colbert seemed to be. He either knows more about theology than I would expect or his prep staff is pretty good.


Bethany said...

Very very interesting. The sermon today at church jolted my view of heaven as well. Almost added a purgatory to the afterlife, but I'll have to relisten to that sermon to be able to properly explain it. I feel like we are reentering the phase where the study of afterlife is popular.

The study of afterlife is interesting to me. It is interesting to "know" what will happen and study it, but at the same time, whatever happens after you die is going to happen whether you like it or not. All the studying in the world won't change it. I find comfort not in the fact that I think I know what is going to happen, but that I know God loves me and whatever happens is His plan and He will be there. :-)

Bethany said...

Ok, so off topic:
Kari said you had read this book and an hour later I ran into this

Steve Turnbull said...

1. If you get a chance to read the N. T. Wright book, I'd definitely recommend it. I agree with you that there are things about the ultimate future that are beyond our certainty, but I think Wright's done some valuable work in summarizing what the Bible does make clear.
2. I saw Boyd's review and appreciated it. I haven't had a chance to read The Shack yet, but I know a few people who have, and it sounds pretty good.

Bethany said...

Sounds good. I'll pick it up to read on the plane for my trip in August since I've been advised not to read Shack on the plane :-)

Ha ha ha. You always "appreciate" Boyd. I have a feeling you don't agree with him wholeheartedly on many points and I'm kind of grateful for that. :-)