Sunday, May 25, 2008

Key Issues - Part 1 (Urgency)

I had the chance yesterday to listen to some leaders from another church talk about a strategic planning process that they went through a few years ago. It was great to hear about God's leading in their community, and it really encouraged me about the importance of what we're doing. From their comments I took away four things that struck me as really critical in this work of discernment and planning that God has given us: urgency, passion, ownership, and alignment. Over the course of the next few days, I want to comment each of these. Today I'll start with "urgency."

Over the course of the coming years, First Lutheran is going to spend millions of dollars and burn through thousands and thousands of volunteer and staff hours. It is imperative that we know why. There's too much at stake to be unclear about this. We are using up far too many resources to be uncertain about what we want those resources to accomplish and exactly how we think we can use those resources to accomplish that purpose. It is urgent that we define our vision and form a clear plan to pursue it.

It is also urgent because the need is so great. Our immediate community is full of broken lives and broken hearts that can be restored by God's grace in Christ. Once we get clear on the way that God is leading us in particular to serve this community and bear witness to His Gospel, we can follow that leading with passion and be a conduit of His grace and healing to our broken world.

First Lutheran is already a place where lots of really good Christian ministry is happening (which has been true for a long, long time), and I am chomping at the bit to see us harness the resources and potential of this great community to accomplish even more in the Kingdom of God.

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