Friday, May 2, 2008

Holy Adoption

Our niece Isabella was baptized last week (April 26), and Amy and I got to be her sponsors/godparents, which is a huge privilege in itself. But during the baptism, it struck me that there is something especially wonderful about the baptism of an adopted child. Her parents Dave and Kari have already adopted her into the full privileges of their family, the complete equal of their biological son. She is a "co-heir with Krister" in her new family family. Now, in baptism, she's being joined to Jesus, adopted into the family of God, a "co-heir with Christ" as Romans 8 says it.
It never really made sense to me that some people have thought of adopted children as second class citizens in their own family - after all, they are probably chosen into a family more purposefully even than biological sons and daughters. I wonder, though, how often Christians similarly underestimate their standing in the family of God.

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