Monday, August 11, 2008

Meals Create Communities

First Lutheran hosted the last of the summer picnics that we scheduled off-site at Stellmacher park today, and it was awesome!

It's good for our church community to eat together and play together and be a family, but we could do that at our place. We held these picnics "off campus" so that we could share the love with our neighbors and make them feel like a welcome part of the family.

At each of these three summer community picnics, but especially today, I've been so delighted to see this dream coming true. Members of First Lutheran were mingling with new found friends at every picnic table in the park and showing simple, genuine Christian care for our neighbors.

This is only the beginning, but it has been a wonderful beginning. We know that Jesus loves our entire community, and we are committed to following Him as he leads us more and more to love our (literal) neighbors.

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